Sunday, March 22, 2009

Coming Down From the "Middle-Age Crazy Tour"

I will post more on this later, but suffice to say I had a WONDERFUL time meeting Judy and Sherri, the c0-authors of the Parkinson's Journey blog, and spending time with them and with Karen. We laughed, we shopped, we played with play-dough, we ate ice cream, and when we said goodbye, we cried. What an amazing group of women they (we!) are!


Anonymous said...

The feeling is so very very mutual! And i call for a Cranium rematch where: zere there vill be no tiezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! and we take the Eddie Murphy card!

Marian said...

O.K., we'll take out Eddie Murphy and put Chris Rock in instead. :-)

About Me

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I'm a lucky lady. I have a wonderful husband of 27 years, a fantastic 25 year old son (I'm so proud of him!) a loving and supportive family, the best friends in the world, a job that I love, and... Parkinson's Disease. I was diagnosed in September 2006. That was a jolt, but I'm learning to deal with it.