Saturday, April 24, 2010

Getting ready for the Parkinson's Walk

Well, I couldn't make it to the Parkinson's Unity Walk in NYC this year, but fortunately, there's still our local version. The Sunnyvale Parkinson's Walk is affiliated with the Parkinson's Unity Walk, and all the funds we raise go to the same places (the Michael J Fox Foundation, National Parkinson's Foundation, Parkinson's Disease Foundation, Parkinson's Action Network, and several others). Please sponsor me, if you can! Click on this link to donate:

I hope that local folks can come out and join us on Saturday, May 1st. Here is the flyer:

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About Me

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I'm a lucky lady. I have a wonderful husband of 27 years, a fantastic 25 year old son (I'm so proud of him!) a loving and supportive family, the best friends in the world, a job that I love, and... Parkinson's Disease. I was diagnosed in September 2006. That was a jolt, but I'm learning to deal with it.