Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thanks to my readers and Healthline!

I recently discovered that has listed my blog as among the 25 best of 2012!  I'm amazed!  Thanks so much to Healthline (a very useful online resource) and to the folks that patiently weed through all my ramblings for the occasional helpful comment.

Thank You , Thank You, Thank you!


Thomas said...

Your blog is really interesting and well written, keep the good things roll in !

Marian said...

Thanks, Thomas! I'll keep things rolling in, and hopefully there will be some good things in there now and then...

Bob Kuhn said...

Marian, your blog is among the 15 (not 25) best. Don't sell yourself so short! Keep up the great work.


Bob Kuhn said...

Marian, your blog is among the 15 (not 25) best. Don't sell yourself so short! Keep up the great work.


Marian said...

My goodness! Thanks for pointing that out, Bob! I honestly didn't notice. Well, this just makes me feel like running and shouting... I guess i'll stick with shouting. WOO HOO!


Your blog is amazing and well written. keep continue.

The Meadows Ranch Programs for Anorexia and Bulimia said...

Great post! Impressive! bulimia treatment

matina said...

i was diagnosed of parkinson disease 5 years ago,i started azilect,then mirapex as the disease progressed in february last year,and i started on parkinson disease herbal medicine from ultimate life clinic,few months into the treatment  i made a significant recovery,almost all my symptoms are gone,great improvement with my movement and balance,it been a year and life has been so good for me,reach them through there website at

About Me

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I'm a lucky lady. I have a wonderful husband of 27 years, a fantastic 25 year old son (I'm so proud of him!) a loving and supportive family, the best friends in the world, a job that I love, and... Parkinson's Disease. I was diagnosed in September 2006. That was a jolt, but I'm learning to deal with it.